Monika Filipek

Monika Filipek, Luxury Properties Specialist - Team AFA Office
75 Station Street, Southport, CT 06890

Email: | Cell: 646.637.4919 | Office: 203.256.3264 | Website:

Monika Filipek

Luxury Properties Specialist

Charitable Fund
Luxury Property Specialist

Bilingual Talents

-English (fluent in speaking and writing) -German (fluent in speaking and writing) -Polish (fluent is speaking) -French (proficient) -Spanish (proficient)


Monika was born and raised in Vienna, Austria. As the daughter of an architect and construction engineer, from an early age she developed a good understanding of what it takes to turn a vision into a home. In her native Austria, Monika obtained a Masters degree in Event & Hospitality Management. Prior to becoming a REALTOR she worked as a corporate meeting and event executive at UBS Financial Services in New York City. Thereafter she also worked as an independent consultant in this field where gaining a deep understanding and ultimately delivering on her clients desires were at forefront of Monika?s success. Monika has spent her entire adult life in New York City and Fairfield County, where she and her family have purchased and sold several homes. Through these experiences she has a gained a true understanding of the process, details, stresses and emotions involved in buying as well as selling a home. Monika is very social and personable and is an active member of the local community, her children?s elementary school and PTA, and maintains a large network of friends and acquaintances in Fairfield county. Monika lives with her husband and two children in Southport, and speaks fluent English, German and Polish along with some French and Spanish. She is passionate about dance, tennis and skiing and loves traveling with her family. Almost immediately after meeting her one gets a sense of Monika?s commitment, professionalism, organizational skills and uncanny insight.

Additional Languages

  • German
  • Spanish
  • Polish
  • French